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What is HYIP?

If you want to get involved in investing and get high profits, first of all, you need to know what HYIP is.

High Yield Income Program or abbreviated (HYIP), is a high yield investment program. Investments in HYIPs base on raising private capital for clients via the Internet. In doing so, the received funds return with a rather big profit, which may exceed the investment several times. However, it should remember that working with a lot of money, as in any other case, requires close financial monitoring and heightened scrutiny.

1) Recommendations for investing in HYIP

  • It is not worth investing all the funds at your disposal in the one HYIP because if it closes, the investor loses all their money invested in this. It is advisable to spread funds between several programs to reduce possible losses. Even if one of them closes, the rest will cover the losses.
  • Don't start investing in an HYIP until you've checked the address and hosting of HYIP and find out when and who registered one.
  • Visit the forums, ratings and thematic network community, where you can find out all the necessary information and user opinions about chosen HYIP.
  • Be sure to read the rules and agreements of the investment program. In the absence of those conditions investments, in such HYIP should not be done.
  • Pay attention to the terms of transactions and the amount of interest accruing. Experienced investors note that programs which bear interest up to 2% per day are more reliable and long-lived.
  • Do not rush to invest everything at once. Start investing with a limited amount in the event of a loss of invested money that your financial condition will not suffer. When you figured out what HYIP is, you can replenish your deposit.
  • Please read the Investment Payout Policy carefully. Here are two of the most popular payment methods in HYIP. One of them is that interest payments for deposits store on the internal account of HYIP, and these withdrawals carry out in separate transactions. The other one contains an appropriate script through which the profit from HYIP is automatically transferred daily to the investor's account.

After studying the concept of HYIPs, you may notice that fraud is quite widespread in this investment environment. A newcomer, in this case, should be attentive to these HYIPs, which make the tempting offers and very beneficial percentage of these investments. As a rule, there is a hidden structure behind a better deal, which would steal the invested money and lead to the investor bankrupting. However, even if you work with the proven HYIP, you should not forget that HYIP will be closed sooner or later.

In answering the question "What the HYIP is and how to earn money on it?" we can define the main principles of the work in this system: invest into the HYIP at the early stage of the development only; withdraw accrued interest from investments until the closure of the program. To determine at what point the HYIP will be drawing to a close very soon, you should follow the terms and conditions. These HYIPs that offers small but stable revenue can work up to two years, and those which attract investors raising interest rates to exist for a short time and do not provide perfect security of deposits.

2) Types of HYIPs

We can distinguish three main groups of HYIPs: investment programs, financial pyramids and swindlers. The first is generally define by stable profits and transparency of their work, but the second and third are working to collect investments without using them for their intended purpose.

A good HYIP provides information that explains what the money invested will be used for, giving relevant examples. These must also have online support for investors to get all the necessary information about the investment of funds at any time.

If we talk about scammers, their task is to attract as many depositors as possible to trick them and take their money. Scammers in the field of investment in HYIP are common. So it is difficult for the novice investor to immediately determine whether any program is a simple way to siphon money out.

The peculiarity of a financial pyramid is that it excises as long as new investors come along. Each subsequent deposit is to cover interest payments paying to previous investors. That is the difference between HYIP and a financial pyramid.

There are short-term and long-term types of financial pyramids.

In the beginning, a short-term financial pyramid displays full-scale advertising, after which the administrators just waiting for depositors. Such a scheme ceases to exist as soon as the financial flow running out. Despite their short work period, such a system allows investors to earn good money to withdraw the profit in time. Because, as a rule, that offers rising interest rates.

A long-term financial pyramid is more stable concerning earnings. Such a program exists due to gradual advertising and a multilevel referral system, which ensures constant investment and the impossibility for a depositor to close his investment before the end of the deposit period.

A distinguished pyramid scheme can last up to two years. During this time, an experienced and skilled administrator prepares the next HYIP for attracting new investors. In some cases, when the number of investors and, accordingly, the capital flow decreases. Then the manager decides to reduce the percentage of income, thereby prolonging the payback period of this structure.

3) Principles of investing in HYIP

Responsible attitude and autonomy. The investor must personally decide whether or not to invest in a particular HYIP. You can not shift your responsibility for this to others.

  • Acceptable risks. The investor should invest only the amounts that will not affect the financial condition.
  • Carefully evaluate the investment program, remember that behind the most tempting offers, as a rule, the scammers hide.
  • Make your final decision only after you have thoroughly studied chosen HYIP, its pros and cons. Before investing in HYIP to collect a database of HYIPs, which will allow you to compare the programs and choose the most acceptable ones.
  • The allocation of funds. You should not invest all amounts in the one HYIP because sooner or later, even the most reliable program will close and, if you do not withdraw your profit in time, you can lose your deposit. Very few HYIPs were fulfilling their obligations to the investor.
  • It is advisable to withdraw interest from the deposit daily.
  • Do not provide your wallet and account information to anyone.

4) Main phases of HYIP existence

To decrease the possibility of losing a deposit, monitor the investment program regularly by following simple rules. HYIP follows a standard pattern divides into four phases.

Phase 1 – Payback
HYIP is just developing, its profitability is still negative. The administrators of HYIP investing personal funds to create and register a website on the Internet. Since the program inception, the administrator spends money on advertising HYIP to attract potential investors. The first phase can vary and depends on the HYIP owner's capabilities.
Phase 2 – Growth
The first investors appear who start investing in HYIP. As a rule, they seek to increase their profits through referral payments by attracting new investors. That allows HYIP to move to the growth stage and raise its financial base. The brighter and fuller a fund's website is, the more trustworthy it is for the clients. During the growth phase, the bonuses offered for registration, advertising campaigns and additional interest income are also important in attracting investors.
Phase 3 – Saturation
As investor confidence in HYIP grew, the finance flow becomes more stable, which moves the fund into the saturation phase. Investors at this stage receive regular payouts.
Phase 4 – Decline
Over time investments in HYIP become less regular, leading to the depletion of the financial base of HYIP. The administrator decides to close the program. The fading time depends on the investors' activity advertising HYIP on various forums, rankings, blogs, etc. Not to go bankrupt, the investor should invest in the project at the outset and evaluate its activity. If HYIP is well-thought-out, it will not close down during the decline phase leaving the investors with nothing but will reconstruct its activities, allowing the client to receive the promised profit.

5) The investment methodology in HYIP

If you decide to take part in HYIP, you can get a relatively high interest in investment funds in a relatively short period. But it is possible only if you follow some rules, which will allow you to avoid bankruptcy and protect from swindlers.

  • By participating in one HYIP, you will not recoup your investment.
  • Creating multi-accounts leads to a blocked profile.
  • You can increase your income by inviting referrals and making reinvestments.
  • Be sure to take advantage of services that provide refback from HYIP. That will allow you to ensure a break-even faster.
  • Do not provide your account information and wallet passwords to anyone.
  • If an unverified fund demands investment at once, it is likely to be owned by fraudsters.
  • HYIP, which offers enormous income, will not live long.
  • HYIP is more reliable if the administrator address and contact details indicated on the website.
  • On the thematic forums, you find information about HYIPs with stable payouts.
  • The information about fraudulent projects and unreliable HYIPs quickly spreads across the net.

6) The operating mechanisms of HYIP

A common situation in the internet business is when a team of successful traders in the FOREX market wants to increase the trades' profitability. For this purpose, they open the joint HYIP, aimed at attracting additional funds at the expense of the depositors who promised the interests of the gained profits. As a rule, such offers become tempting for small investors who have not managed to make progress in the FOREX market and do not understand what HYIP is really. They promised a double or triple increase in investment, but instead of the promised funds, they fall into the hands of fraudsters.

HYIP market offers the opportunity to make a quick and not always legitimate six-figure profit, which naturally attracts scammers whose activities denoted by the word "scum". The high popularity of the pyramid type of HYIP helps them stay afloat. But at the same time, both administrators of HYIP and investors well understand that pyramids are short-lived, but they continue to invest in HYIP actively.

Funds are divided into three types, depending on the capacity and preferences of the administrator:

A scam project

It defines by primitive website design and simple standard text, sometimes copied from a more reliable HYIP, raising interest rates (up to 30%) and general non-longevity. In this case, investments from the new investors are transferred (or stolen) immediately to the administrator's account without any payments.

The short- and medium-term pyramid schemes

They offer a profit of up to 40-60% per month. The duration of such schemes ranges from a few months to a year. Earn did not payout from the money turnover but new deposits attracted through the referral system. The more website of the pyramid scheme promoted, the more it will attract new depositors, so the administrators spend considerable amounts of personal funds to HYIP advertise.

The investment project

They differ from other types of HYIPs in that the administrator fulfil all obligations, i.e. they do not just take funds but also accrue interest on the invested funds promptly. Such investments in HYIP define by reliability and seriousness.

7) Choosing HYIP to invest in

When choosing HYIP, it is difficult to determine whether it is a "scam", a pyramid scheme or a reliable investment program. It can be determined by studying the information of HYIP and comparing it with what presented on the website of the fund. By doing so, one guaranteed to keep and even increase one's investment. So, let us consider what is worth paying attention to on the website of HYIP.

  • The higher the level of the domain, the more credible HYIP is. However, sometimes good HYIP can also found on third or fourth level domains.
  • The interest rate. The higher the interest offered (more than 4%), the higher the risk. Successful deposit with raising interest rates can be guaranteed when HYIP recently installed and positive reviews on HYIP forums and monitors.
  • Technical support and feedback. It is necessary to determine whether it is possible to contact the administration and customer service, what form the communication takes and how quickly messages deal.
  • Guarantee obligations. The fund reliability confirms in many different ways, such as having a physical address, possibly write a contract. The more such indicators of guarantee, the more credible the HYIP administrators' promises are.
  • Reviews of HYIP. By visiting thematic forums and ratings, you can meet investors who have already encountered this fund and read their review about its work. That will allow you to assess the financial capabilities and performance of chosen HYIP.
  • Examine the website of HYIP. Examine site sections for the accuracy of the information posted, especially regarding interest rates and payment terms. For example, it is not uncommon for interest rates displayed on the home page to differ from those quoted when investing.

Our HYIP monitor conducts a comprehensive diligence review of all new HYIPs. The technical parameters of HYIP consider, such as:

  • Availability of an SSL certificate.
  • The quality of hosting.
  • The uniqueness of texts.
  • The uniqueness of design.
  • An IP address and subnet checking exercise.
  • The uniqueness of the wallet (e.g. PerfectMoney)
  • Listing on the trust HYIP monitors.

Audit results appear for each HYIP as an assessment, from 0.1 to 10 (the higher the number, the better the quality is).

8) Ways to make a profit

Of course, some projects created scammers, but most HYIPs are honest and legitimate programs. Therefore, there is quite a lot of information on the websites to learn what HYIP is and then start investing.

However, before investing, one must choose where to invest, and this complicated by the plethora of different investment programs, each with its attractive conditions. Facilitate this process will understanding that the investor invests in HYIP and determines the goals personally, so the choice of HYIP should depend on the earning strategy. Let's consider some of the most popular HYIP investing tactics.

a. The extreme tactic

The investor, using rating websites, chooses several HYIPs that opened no later than two days ago and offer a profit rate of 3-5% per day. Between these projects, it is necessary to evenly distribute an amount of $80-100 between them and then make daily withdrawals. If one of the programs closes, the losses in this distribution will not exceed 10-15% of the total deposits. After income exceeds losses, the investor creates a reserve and chooses the new HYIP. It is necessary to invest in a moment of fund opening and withdraw profit in time. On average, HYIPs with high interest exist for no more than 30-45 days.

The extreme tactic is different in that even if you get on a scammer, you can make money because scammers do not close their programs until they recoup their investments in them. It also requires constant work on the part of the investor. Firstly it is necessary to keep track of the contributions already made, and secondly, to constantly look for new recently opened funds with sufficiently high interest.

The extreme tactic is suitable for beginners in HYIP who are just beginning to learn HYIP. Because the income in such case is small, and there is no possibility of long-term capital accumulation and reinvestment.

b. The prudent tactic

When an investor has accumulated a significant amount of money to invest, it is only natural that want not only to multiply it but also to save it. In this case, the previous tactic is no longer suitable because the investor is risking a lot more money. Now investor needs to invest in that HYIP which has a long-term nature and trustworthy reputation. To find HYIP should use both rating systems and reviews on the appropriate forums. To reduce the risk of losing your investment, you should choose HYIP based on several criteria.

  • The longer a fund has been in operation, the more reliable it is. Of course, there is still the risk to get to crooks who want to make huge money, but there aren't many of them.
  • The availability of a forum with direct communication between contributors and largely administrator increases the fund reliability.
  • Positive reviews on thematic forums. The reviews themselves may not testify about the reliability of HYIP, but in combination with other factors, they allow us to evaluate HYIP performance objectively.
  • Website design. Proficient website design made at the appropriate level demonstrates the careful HYIP administrator attitude.
  • Valuable information on the website. It contains many articles about HYIP, its technical features and much more.
  • The lifespan of HYIP is proportional to the number of investors. The more investors it has, the longer the program lasts.
  • There are no fully reliable HYIPs, but it is possible to single out among those that are more reliable than others. Such investment funds offer low-interest rates (up to 2%) and remain in operation for one year and a half to two years.

c. The diversification tactic

Diversification refers to an approach to preventing bankruptcy and generating additional income by expanding the product range and entering new markets. Concerning HYIP, it means distributing funds evenly between different projects. HYIP can operate on the FOREX market, gambling, real estate, arbitrage betting, stock exchange trading, etc. If the investor wishes to create a stable investment portfolio in HYIP, he should not be limited to one direction as he may lose all their capital if that would close. When dealing with large amounts of money, it is necessary to invest in HYIPs in different directions.

d. The feeding tactic

The feeding tactic combines the features of the first three tactics. In this case, the investor creates their investment portfolio by investing funds both in low-interest HYIPs and in high-interest HYIPs. The investor gradually withdraws money from high-interest projects and transfers them to stable low-interest ones. That allowed him the quickly increasing invested capital. Such an investor does not need an explanation about HYIP as he understands how the investment program works and how to make money there. It is important to remember that HYIP investment is not reliable, and investment programs closed sooner later.

e. The tactic for a comprehensive approach

This tactic consists of the systematic accumulation of information and the decision to invest based on an analysis of the information received. The analyse of the information received is undertaken by using the following rules:

  • Invest only in those HYIPs that provide an opportunity to withdraw the capital earned no later than after thirty days. Later payments are inappropriate because if you study information about HYIPs, you will notice that most investment funds have not been in existence for a long time. The best is the possibility to withdraw money each day.
  • The average lifespan of HYIP is two to three months. The longer HYIP exists, the riskier investment will be because such a project may close at any time.
  • The availability of high-quality design, a feedback form and a forum inspire greater confidence in HYIP. After studying the information of HYIP, it becomes clear that the administrator spent personal funds on the competent development of the project is unlikely to disappear with the investor's money.
  • When dealing with big money, it is worth looking at those projects that ensure information confidentiality. The lack of protection and the fact that the website is hosted free of charge indicates that the administration is irresponsible towards its clients.
  • It is advisable to check all websites of HYIP through WHOIS. That will identify unscrupulous owners who give false information about their project.
  • The investor should check the feedback form and contact information posted on the investment project's website. To do this, try contacting the administrator with a question and then evaluate the speed and quality of the response.

On the grounds of the given criteria, it is desirable to establish your HYIP database that contains complete information about the project to evaluate all its aspects. Doing so would identify and filter out unreliable and unpromising HYIPs easily.

Using a comprehensive tactic allows you to decrease the risks and product profit for a short period. But in remembering what HYIP is, it is necessary to understand that this tactic is good only if you look regularly for new projects that fall within the listed criteria and never make a long-term investment.

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