This «RiskRank» metric is a general litmus test for the quality of the «» HYIP took in its entirety, defined by many specifications. Below is a detailed analysis and review of and the results from 0 to 10 points. good quality signs
The website uses Cloudflare, Inc. SSL encryption. All of the incoming and outdoing content is encrypted;
IP address not used by other HYIPs; poor signs
Mid-priced hosting, which usually signal low quality.
Plagiarized design elements from other HYIPs;
Some texts similarities to other HYIPs;
This project is a scam and stops paying on Apr 27, 2022.
Warning! The "" project is marked as "Blacklist/SCAM" on the following URL(s):
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One Minute Invest
1 votes 3 years ago
Automatic payment to account
The amount of 1.88 USD has been deposited to your account.
Accounts: U31297021 To U12166898.
Memo: API Payment. Payment from Pi Investments.
Date: 03.28.22 02:17.
Batch: 455558097.
Here's what it says on the website:
3.14% daily forever. your deposit will be automatically increase by
31.4% if you will bring an active deposit. your deposit will
automatically increase by 31.4%. Your active deposit will be 131. means the next
earning will be according your active deposit after adding your
referrals compounding deposit.
You will get your withdrawal automatic. means once your balance will
reach minimum amount our system will send withdrawal to your wallet
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